An Overwhelming Compulsion

When Courtney’s sexy rich neighbor returns from her vacation she can’t wait to rush over to Courtney’s and tell her. To much embarrassment, Courtney fell asleep while Teresa told he about the trip. When she woke Teresa was gone, unknown to Courtney her world was about to turn upside down.


Courtney’s sexy rich neighbor Teresa is always finding a way to flaunt her possessions and wealth under Courtney’s nose. Her most recent event was her trip to Belize and the antique locket she purchased on the trip. As was her normal behavior she droned on and on ad nauseum about the trip and her antique, until Courtney fell asleep. .

 A very embarrassed Courtnery had fallen asleep while her neighbor was telling her about her expensive trip. She called Teresa and apologized and asked to come over the following day so she could hear all about her trip and her fascinating locket. That night after Teresa had left and accepted her invitation, Courtney noticed and strange feeling in her groin area.

Several days later, Teresa had come over to tell her story of her expensive trip, Courtney fell asleep again. While that was happening, she was having difficulty going to sleep, and when she did dose off, she experienced the most horrible nightmare of her life. It was a sick and twisted scenario involving her and Teresa. When she woke the dream still haunted her and caused her to be late for work.  That afternoon after work Teresa showed up with her locket in tow. It was then that she revealed to Courtney that she was the source of her restless slumber and other physical anomaly’s  

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