8 Erotically Depraved Tales of Lesbians, Science Fiction & the Supernatural

8 EROTICALLY DEPRAVED TALES – Harrowing tales of time-traveling aliens, urban legends of witchcraft along with supernatural encounters involving ghosts and Halloween.


Rings of Destiny: A young couple attends a Halloween party dressed as the opposite sex. They took home first prize and unexpectedly a lot more.

The Apocritoid Attack on Uranus: Two Female members of an intergalactic para-military team barely escape from an Alien attack while returning to their home base on Uranus.

The Soulless Consciousness of Depravity: A wanton and soulless consciousness free-floats through a spectral landscape littered with naïve dreamlike figures, … awaiting their next titillating experience.

The Space Defense Probe: Dora Strong is one of the most outstanding and motivated Midshipmen in the solar system’s main keeper of law and order The Space Defense.

Time Traveling Predators of Evil: A group of time travelers from the 22nd century journey to the early 21st century to research a lurid urban legend that originated in 2019

Evil Wicked Witch: Beatrix Harper is pure evil. She toys sadistically with girls she seduces. Peculiarly several of the girls have ended up taking their own lives

The Ghost Writer: Beth has just turned eighteen and before she can celebrate she makes two discoveries, she has traveled back in time and, Candi, is also eighteen the only person who can see Beth.

Initial Erotic Encounter: The Earth finally has been invaded by aliens, the Lolitans. But once seen, it is obvious the cute little Lolita size invaders mean Earth no harm

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